News from ProDentures
Your Source for Affordable Partial & New Dentures in Houston, Texas

What you need to know about dentures

Dentures are an ideal and affordable method to replace missing teeth. Most of the time, dentures fit quite well and give your smile a very natural look. Whether you are looking for replacement dentures in Houston or you are ready to be fitted for your first set, you have many options. Of the dental options available, you can choose from complete dentures and partial dentures. Each of them has its own benefits and disadvantages and while one option might work well for one person, the other could be more suitable for another. It is normal to experience increased saliva flow, some soreness, and possible speech and chewing difficulty in the beginning, however this will subside as your muscles and tissues get used to the new dentures.

Complete dentures

People suffering from total loss of teeth in the upper or lower jaw are in need of a complete set of dentures. This can occur for older patients, but is not uncommon in younger people suffering from periodontal disease. They are also suitable for people who think that their teeth are no longer healthy. Temporary dentures can be fitted immediately after removing your teeth or replacing the old denture while the permanent set is usually placed after your gums have had a chance to heal.

Partial dentures

Patients with a few missing teeth on either the upper or lower side of the mouth can have partial dentures fitted to fill in the gaps.


It is important to clean the dentures regularly to remove any plaque and food deposits. Failing to do so could lead to problems such as bad breath, gum disease or other oral issues. Visit a dentist who has extensive experience with dentures to discover which options might suit you well. Some solutions may cost more than others, but more expensive remedies might benefit you in long term.

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