News from ProDentures
Your Source for Affordable Partial & New Dentures in Houston, Texas

Dental implants are widely known to be suitable replacement for one or more lost teeth. However, do you know that they serve other functions as well? Under the right circumstances, a qualified Houston dentist can use dental implants to secure full or partial dentures in place. Placing implants to stabilize dentures allows the wearer to achieve stronger chewing power and do away with many of the discomforts and inconveniences of loose or unanchored dentures.

Why opt for denture stabilization?

Many individuals who wear dentures often complain of their inability to properly chew, eat, speak, and smile effectively because they feel their dentures are loose in their mouth. As such, the wearer’s confidence is compromised because they’re focusing more on their dentures than on performing their intended oral actions. If you can relate to these struggles, then denture stabilization might be the perfect solution you’re looking for.

How does denture stabilization work?

Dental implants used for denture stabilization work in a similar way to the press stud fasteners you find on clothes. The implants are embedded directly into the jaw bone. Once these integrate into the jaw, the ‘press studs’ lock on to a second part that is fitted inside the corresponding denture. These can be tightened or loosened depending on what the wearer feels is more comfortable.

Is denture stabilization expensive?

Denture stabilization will certainly add to the cost of a new set of dentures, but it can be a cost-efficient alternative to full implant bridgework. When evaluating the cost of denture stabilization, it is important to consider its long-term benefits. With your dentures anchored to a dental implant, you will feel more comfortable and confident about eating, speaking, and smiling in public.

Denture stabilization is often applied to full upper or lower dentures, but modern techniques allow for implants to be used on partial dentures as well. After enjoying the benefits of denture stabilization, many patients say they wish they had done it sooner.

Dental implants in Houston

With denture stabilization, loose dentures become a thing of the past. Of course, you’ll need a highly trained and experienced implant dentist to perform the procedure for you. You also need to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Schedule a visit with Dr. Searby with ProDentures, one of the most trusted dental implants restorative dentists in Houston for a thorough (and completely free) evaluation. Should denture stabilization be an option for you, the capable dentists at ProDentures can suggest the best treatment plan for you.


Denture Stabilization With Small-Diameter Implants,


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