Hi, I’m Dr. Paul Searby, founder of ProDentures. I put together this short guide for “newbies” who are thinking or considering a denture or partial for the first time.

Download my Free FAQ Report today and let’s see what we can do to help guide you along in this important decision. The more you know…

If you or someone you care about is searching for the right answers and the right resource for Houston seniors then you are in the right place…

8 Frequently Asked Questions by Folks Considering Their First Denture or Partial Denture

We receive a lot of questions from patients wondering if dentures are a good option.  For some folks they are a great solution to restoring your smile and overall sense of self-confidence and general oral health.

Are you considering your first denture or partial?  Here’s what you need to know… Older folks have special needs and not every solution is right for every individual.

In this free guide, Dr. Paul Searby provides honest and straight-forward answers to the most frequently asked questions. Download and get your questions answered today!

Get Your Questions Answered Quickly & Easily –

Simply enter your name and email address for Instant Access!

Please Watch this Short Video Now!

Watch this short clip of Dr. Searby live at the KHOU studios in Houston discussing the serious health risks associated with getting older.

New Medical Research Reveals How Poor Dental Hygiene Contributes to Your Overall Health 

Poor dental health dramatically increases your chances for cancer especially for older folks.  While gum disease is a rather common condition in adults, severe cases make other systemic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease much worse.

But shockingly the latest medical research reveals that your risk of lung cancer DOUBLES.  And the risk of getting ALL other cancers increases by a whopping 24%.

At ProDentures we help older adults by providing low cost, high quality solutions like dentures, partial dentures, tooth extractions and dental implants, as well as traditional dental services and maintenance.

An open letter to anyone putting off needed dental care due to high costs:

“Who else thinks that Dentistry has gotten too complicated and way too expensive?”

Hello Friend,

I’m Dr. Paul Searby and I’ve been a Texas dentist for 28 years and I’ve witnessed a steady progression in Dentistry from a focus on good, basic, affordable dental care to an almost-obsession to offer only the most high-tech and complicated treatments without regard for the huge cost or maybe even the patient’s own desires.

The result of this trend is that the “high-tech dentist recommended” dental care for most working people and retirees is almost always too complicated, too fancy, and way too expensive! In the face of this ever-increasing expense, too many good people are putting off basic dental care and getting sicker and sicker. Too many neighbors are feeling forgotten, ignored, and frustrated.

Dr. Paul Searby and ProDentures®:
The Dental Friend To Houston Working Folks and Retirees

I created ProDentures® to fill this “reasonable dental options” void and offer you classic and less expensive alternatives to the specialists and dental guru-wannabes. Our focus on extractions, dentures, and partials; our in-house denture lab; and our no-children policy allows us to control costs and we pass the savings on to you.

Not everyone who needs a car buys a Lexus or Mercedes. Similarly, not everybody can afford to get every God-given tooth fixed. Even if they tried, not every tooth that gets fixed will stay fixed. Sometimes the most reasonable solution is not the most expensive option – especially if your teeth have been problematic for your entire life.

Enough is enough! Maybe it’s time to try something that’s simple, time-tested, and affordable.

Call me at 713-429-0073 today if you’re ready for simpler, more affordable solutions to persistent and severe dental problems.

You don’t have to feel taken advantage of anymore. You deserve to get a healthy smile without breaking the bank. You finally have a choice. Call us at 713-429-0073 today.

Dr. Paul Searby’s Experience and Credentials
BS & MS Chemical Engineering – UVa 1977
Doctor of Dental Surgery: University Texas at Houston 1984
Member: ADA, TDA, GHDS
Licensed by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners

Dr. Searby has performed 5978 Extractions, 1690 Dentures, 511 Partials, & 207 Implants in the past 2 years alone!

Our brand new office is Clean, Comfortable, and Convenient After making dentures together in Dallas for the past three years, my team and I decided to open our newest office in NW Houston. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy working here.

You’ve Earned Respect.
You Always Deserve Honesty

Those of us who are grey remember a time when honesty and respect were the cornerstones of everyday life. Respect for our elders, respect for parents, respect for the people we place in authority – who in turn respected our country and traditions. People had integrity and would do the right thing even when no one is watching.

Medicine and dentistry to a large part is being taken over by corporations and the demand for money and profits – all from you, of course.

My promise to you: ProDentures® offices will always be owned by local dentists who WILL treat you with the respect you’ve earned and the honesty you deserve.

More than words, you will receive this from us:

  • Always Free exams and X-rays
  • Attentive listening to you, never judging you, your present dental health, or your wallet.
  • Common sense treatment choices that give you a chance to regain health and improve your life.
  • On time appointments and personal respect from our doctors and staff.
  • 100% Guarantees on dentures for your peace of mind.

What Everybody Ought To Know
About The Denture Business!

Up until now, you have had only two choices in denture-focused offices: 1) Super-expensive implant “boutiques” or 2) dirt-cheap denture mills.

1) Implant Boutique Offices – You might have seen the full page ads in the paper or the ones on TV for the “obvious” choice in denture replacements. For $50,000 or more, they will place eight implants and make screwed-in teeth to go over them.

Unless you are healthy and very wealthy, this is not an affordable method for tooth replacement.

2) Dirt-cheap Denture Mills – On TV, you might see corporate-driven offices which make very cheap dentures but they have hidden drawbacks:

Beware the below average denture mill experience!  No appointments: just cattle-call, packed waiting rooms. Not a one-stop shop. No cleanings or even fillings. You get referred away for most everything else. Lesser quality plastic dentures using poured liquid instead of packed and heat-cured.   You sacrifice all this for the low fees.

But now you have a reasonable alternative to “too much” and “too little” denture experiences…

Introducing ProDentures®
A Perfect “In-Between” Choice For
Good Services At Great Prices!

I am Dr. Paul Searby and I wanted to give you a more reasonable and affordable choice. Here is why you should contact my ProDentures® office first:

  • Same low costs as the “denture mills” – but with all of the care and respect that you’d expect from your friendly neighborhood dentist.
  • As low as $995. One day service often.
  • All services provided in our offices with rare referrals to specialists, only when needed.
  • Stronger dentures: In our in-house labs, we make dentures the classic, stronger way with pressure packed and heat-cured acrylics only.
  • On-time appointments to respect your time
  • Dental implants are great, especially to support and stabilize lower full dentures. But we start discussions with only two for the lower as this is where you get the most benefit for the fee.
  • You can upgrade by adding more implants over time and eventually get non-removable, “screwed in” teeth. It’s your choice how many and how much you want. No pressure.
  • Call us first at 713-429-0073 (or text us).
  • Or bring us the treatment plan from the other guys. Let’s see if we can find you a better alternative to high prices or lesser care. I’ll bet we can.

Our ProDentures®’ Full Year 
Satisfaction Guarantee*

If, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with your upper and/or lower full denture, you may return to our office for a completely new denture remake and refit.

No questions asked. No hassles. This promise is good for one full year (365 days) from the date of delivery of your new ProDentures® dentures.

How can I afford to make such a risky and bold promise, you ask? Well, for one, I know from experience that we are very good at what we do. Our dentures are made in our in-house labs and we can control every step of the process. We are honestly able to please almost everybody. So much so that I am willing to take ALL of the risk. You don’t risk a penny for your new dentures.

And secondly, if you are of the 1 or 2% whom I am unable to make and adjust a denture to your pleasing, I’d rather you that we remake your dentures than think bad of us. A great reputation is earned. It’s up to us to prove it to you.

This unusual, 100% satisfaction guarantee of your denture(s) is doubly valuable when you realize that, to my knowledge, no other dentist is willing to offer you any guarantee whatsoever. Call us at 713-429-0073 right now.

* 1-year Satisfaction Guarantee is for Dentures ONLY. Does not include surgeries.

If you have on-going problems with your teeth that are causing you pain and embarrassment, do not put it off any longer. Get in touch with us and we will provide you with the proper restoration options possible. Whether you need full dentures, partial dentures, or dental implants, our dental specialists are here to assist. We offer high-quality, yet very affordable solutions. Our office is conveniently located in NW Houston near Cypress.

But don’t just take my word for it… click the buttons below to see our testimonials and Google Reviews!


20320 Northwest Freeway
Suite 200
Houston, TX  77065


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© 2019 All Rights Reserved - ProDentures®